Computer technology in the design of a conceptual image in design

  • N. V. Meseneva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


With the rapid development of informatization of society, changing and updating computer technologies in the design of environmental design, new methods are being created for creating and applying innovative computer images of modern design projects. Currently, computer software used to create design projects of various complexity is being improved. When designing the design of the environment, it became necessary to
study new approaches to the use of computer technology in the work of designers. Today, the main task of designers is to design a comfortable, harmonious environment that takes into account modern requirements and standards, using new, modern computer
technologies. The disclosure of the artistic image in design, the formation of a concept using computer graphics when performing a design project environment is the main goal of the study. The scientific relevance of the study lies in the need to study design theory in  terms  of  its  computerization.  The  novelty  of  the  study  consists  in  the  study  and evaluation of new trends in computer design environment design. The main task of designers is to create a comfortable, harmonious environment, including such components as the spatial structure of the environment, color scheme, culture, ecology, climate and more. There was a need to change existing low-quality solutions for environmental de-
sign and the need to correct existing errors in the design of the public environment. residential or other space. Today, creative design projects of the environment, graphics, and visual communications at a professional level can only be performed by a qualified designer who owns the most modern computer technologies. To solve the problems of research  on  the  formation  of  a  conceptual  image  in  the  design  of  the  environment,  an analysis of special literature is performed.
Keywords: architecture, design, interior, computer technology, landscape, culture, trends.